Saturday, October 23, 2010

Statement of Intent! (or, The Rebirth)

So, quick post (to get my eye in, sort of thing).

Yesterday I was inspired to revamp this blog, something I've been thinking of doing for a while now. Apart from writing about smoking, I'm expanding this to include observations on science, and occasional livid opinions on What's Wrong With Kids Today.

I hear you, there, in the back, shouting "But, will you still write about cloves? My happiness depends upon it!" And the answer is Yes! In fact, I have done several non-fail experiments since the last kretek post, but what with one thing and another, and life and college and moving and stuff getting in the way, I kinda... forgot to write about them. And, since I was able to get some very cheap cigarettes (not cloves, sadly enough) on a spring road trip, I haven't even been rolling my own in quite a while.

However, that's all about to change!

But don't hold your breath, because it won't be for at least a week or two.

In the meantime, here are a few links that should help, if there's any glaring issues you still need to work out in the deliciously sweet and spicy cancer realm, so read them, enjoy them, and I shall be back to spewing cloves tips at your eager, squishy brains quite soon. Mmmmmm, brains.

 - WikiHow

 - Not a guide - Helpful photos and tips

 - What Not To Do

 - Shroomery - Some sort of discussion board, but it's got some good tips hidden here and there

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